
  • 24/7 washing service available
  • Operating in 2 locations, in the greater Edmonton and Grande Prairie, Alberta areas
  • Locations include a lay-down yard that can provide mat storage for clients
  • Mat washing units are fully portable and can be moved to your site
  • Pioneer’s crews’ rig-up time is 8-12 hours
  • Ability to wash A, B, C, and D-grade mats
  • Units are operated with an efficient closed-loop system
  • Capacity for 4-6 loads of portable washing
  • Can wash 300-800 mats in 24 hours
  • Disinfecting services included with all mat washing
  • Pioneer has the only mat washing unit that can wash in -40℃
  • Inspection and grading

Service Areas

We are a Grande Prairie based company providing sales and service Canada wide.